
> 關於我們


昊青公司 SFI (Scientific Formosa, Inc) 為知名專業軟硬體代理商,為企業、學校、及政府等客戶
提供各式 數據分析、人工智慧、機器學習、數值財經及網路通訊 軟體之銷售、訓練及技術服務。






Founded in 1987, Scientific Formosa Inc. (SFI), located in downtown Taipei and Kaohsiung, is a leading professional software distributor in Taiwan with sufficient experience in marketing, sales as well as technical supports. Our major business areas include distributing a variety of application software packages, planning integrated solutions and providing solid technical support to enterprise clients.


Stata 是一套完整的整合性統計套裝軟體,提供所有資料科學的需求 — 資料處理、視覺化、統計與自動化的報表。

Altair RapidMiner 為人工智慧機器學習的最佳工具軟體。包括約 1500 個功能及模型,無論是 AI 的研究或實務應用方面,均有廣泛的案例。

Citrix 企業網路基礎建構解決方案,可將應用程式及桌面派送至遠方的各式終端用戶、及iPhone與iPad上, 讓企業客戶方便管理也節省大量人力成本。

其他熱門軟體產品還包括:Mathematica 高階數學及符號運算軟體、 Origin 工程科學繪圖軟體,最適合研發人員繪圖分析應用,Stata 、 Minitab 、 EViews 等統計計量軟體是研發與製程中心的重要分析工具,另有 dSPACE 即時控制及模擬系統。

In the past 30 years, SFI has successfully introduced world leading software products into the local market in Taiwan. Our software categories include numeric / statistical analysis software, networking / security software. Some best-selling software solutions SFI has been distributing are Citrix Systems, Mathematica, Minitab, Stata and the AI analytical tool, Altair RapidMiner.



In order to catch up with the current market trends, SFI will focus more on providing solutions and services on data science applications and AI machine learning, some application fields include smart healthcare, smart manufacturing, predictive maintenance, transportation, retail and logistic, and financial applications. Our main goal is to provide the latest tools and solutions to fulfill customers' demands and maintain high level of customer satisfaction.